Watch Session: Serverless-Side Rendering Micro-Frontends
The Serverless Architecture Conference hosted a groundbreaking session titled "Serverless-Side Rendering Micro-Frontends," featuring Luca Mezzalira as the esteemed speaker. Despite the passage of time, the relevance of this topic persists, making it worthy of renewed attention.
Serverless Functions with GraalVM on AWS Lambda
GraalVM Native Images are a powerful tool for reducing startup times and memory requirements of Java applications on AWS Lambda. By compiling Java bytecode to native machine code, GraalVM can significantly improve cold start performance and reduce overall resource consumption.
Cloud Native Serverless Java with Quarkus and GraalVM on AWS Lambda
If you haven't shouted "Bingo" yet, you have only yourself to blame. How can it be possible to use almost all of the bleeding-edge technologies, frameworks and platforms listed above successfully together in a real-world project away from the greenfield and Hello World demos? A field report.