Distributed Tracing: Overhyped or Real Benefit?
What about distributed tracing is real and what is fake? Before our article attempts to answer this question, let us first clarify the terminology and provide an overview of the functions of diagnostic technology for microservices and serverless-based architectures.{.preface}
Serverless Functions with GraalVM on AWS Lambda
GraalVM Native Images are a powerful tool for reducing startup times and memory requirements of Java applications on AWS Lambda. By compiling Java bytecode to native machine code, GraalVM can significantly improve cold start performance and reduce overall resource consumption.
The cloud has many faces
For anyone dealing with the topic of the cloud, Kubernetes is a household name. But if you ask about other cloud platforms, it gets more difficult. In this article, we’ll take a look at using Cloud Foundry as an alternative, and find out if it holds a candle to Kubernetes.
The Battle of the Clouds
Today’s data landscape is overflowing with complex and sophisticated architectures, which can help you dynamically customize your digital ecosystem according to your project requirements and needs. Unfortunately, managing complex cloud architectures can be a difficult task, especially if you are trained to use one cloud vendor and not any of the others. Database as a Service (DBaaS) offerings can help you fill this gap. DBaaS models provide cloud users with managed database offerings. This article reviews DBaaS models offered by the top three cloud vendors—AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
4 Tips for Solving Lambda Performance Issues
AWS Lambda provides serverless computing in the form of functions as a service (FaaS). This means you can leverage on-demand infrastructure without the need for provisioning and hardware maintenance. Overall, Lambda is a great service for real-time data processing and backends. However, to achieve optimal performance you need to do some troubleshooting. In this article, you will learn how to improve cold start performance, implement efficient monitoring and logging, debug functions, and avoid timeouts.
Reasons you’re late in moving to the cloud
If you run any kind of business (large-scale enterprise, small company, or even personal brand) and you haven’t moved to the cloud yet, then that’s a mistake you need to rectify with great urgency. This article examines four reasons why you should make the move.
Session: Bottlenecks in Serverless Applications | Hen Peretz
In his session at Serverless Architecture Conference 2019 in Berlin Hen Peretz talks about Bottlenecks in Serverless Applications.
Databases: moving to a new home in the cloud
What once seemed unthinkable is now common practice: databases are moving to the cloud. In this article, Ales Zeman, Sales Engineering Manager for Central Europe at Quest Software, explains what to look out for and how to make the migration successful.
Basic considerations on the subject of serverless architecture security
In this article we want to secure an Azure Functions — serverless — implemented API with modern means by adding a JSON Web Token (JWT) validation. Experience with OAuth [1], JWT [2] and Identity Provider (IDP) [3] is advantageous, but not necessary.
Going FaaSter: Cost-Performance Optimizations of Serverless on Kubernetes | Erwin van Eyk
Cost-Performance Optimizations of Serverless on Kubernetes in a nutshell with Erwin van Eyk at the Serverless Architecture Conference 2019 in The Hague.