With AWS Lambda to Multicloud
In the future, many companies will try to grow their IT infrastructure with the help of the cloud or even move it completely to the cloud. Larger enterprises often call for multicloud. In terms of serverless, there are a few ways to achieve multicloud operation. Using AWS Lambda, a function can be made available and the whole thing can be made cloud-independent with Knative.
Serverless, not Headless!
Serverless architectures are the next step in the evolution of cloud services. The first attempts at walking with them are easy. However, you should know the stumbling blocks in order to be able to avoid them. This article presents the typical challenges with corresponding possible solutions.
Long-Running Workflows as Serverless Functions in Azure
Azure Functions have many features that make your work easier. However, they are less suitable for long-running processes. This is where Durable and Entity Functions can help.
Serverless Java: Reduce Infrastructure Overhead
Java is still the first choice when it comes to software development for business use [1]. However, the development of Java software alone is not enough: machines, operating systems, JREs, application servers, etc. are required for productive use - and large frameworks and libraries are also required as the basis for code functionality. This overhead hurts more the simpler the required functionality is, because it makes development, testing, and operation more difficult. The alternative concept: Serverless.
Session: Architectural Patterns in the Serverless Journey of shop.LEGO.com | Sheen Brisals
In his session at Serverless Architecture Conference 2019 in Berlin Sheen Brisals shares his experience with Serverless and explains how he and his Shopper Engagement Technology team at LEGO migrated the legacy monolith eCommerce platform onto a cloud based solution on AWS.
Session: Bottlenecks in Serverless Applications | Hen Peretz
In his session at Serverless Architecture Conference 2019 in Berlin Hen Peretz talks about Bottlenecks in Serverless Applications.
Databases: moving to a new home in the cloud
What once seemed unthinkable is now common practice: databases are moving to the cloud. In this article, Ales Zeman, Sales Engineering Manager for Central Europe at Quest Software, explains what to look out for and how to make the migration successful.
Session: Modern event-driven Workloads with Knative | Roland Huß
Knative is a Kubernetes-based platform that comes with a set of building blocks to build, deploy and manage modern serverless workloads. Knative consists of three major areas: Build, Serving and Eventing.
Basic considerations on the subject of serverless architecture security
In this article we want to secure an Azure Functions — serverless — implemented API with modern means by adding a JSON Web Token (JWT) validation. Experience with OAuth [1], JWT [2] and Identity Provider (IDP) [3] is advantageous, but not necessary.
The Serverless First Mindset
Approaching problems with a serverless first mindset means rethinking, re-architecting, and rethinking again. Serverless isn’t just FaaS, it isn’t just about the cloud. How can you build a model for thinking serverless and practice applying it? We've asked an expert about it.