Running Spring Boot 3 on AWS Lambda
We’ll demonstrate several ways how Spring Boot 3 applications can be implemented, optimised, and operated on AWS Lambda with Java 21, based on different frameworks or tools. This longer series kicks off by looking at AWS Serverless Java Containers.
Exactly Once in Distributed Systems
If distributed systems are used, as is the case with microservices, distributed data processing (often asynchronous via message queues) is on the daily agenda. When messages are exchanged, they often need to be processed exactly once. As it turns out, it’s not so easy.
Watch Keynote: Platformized Approach to Engineering
This talk stresses how Platform Engineering promotes organizational sustainability by addressing short-term gains' pitfalls. Through DevOps principles, robust support systems, and standardized architectures, it enables faster delivery and empowers engineers. The case study illustrates its tangible benefits for organizations.
Watch Session: Serverless-Side Rendering Micro-Frontends
The Serverless Architecture Conference hosted a groundbreaking session titled "Serverless-Side Rendering Micro-Frontends," featuring Luca Mezzalira as the esteemed speaker. Despite the passage of time, the relevance of this topic persists, making it worthy of renewed attention.
The path from set-up to a functioning serverless application
A serverless infrastructure offers flexible resource management with exact usage-based billing. The advantages of using it for companies are therefore obvious. But how does the set-up of a functioning serverless application work and how does serverless computing prove itself in practical everyday life?
Optimization of Java Applications in AWS Lambda
In this article, I will discuss the advantages of using AWS Lambda as a compute platform, how your architecture and software would change when adopting Lambda and what optimization might be useful to consider.
Serverless? Is That Even Possible?
We often hear the term "serverless" in the media, only to be consoled by the fact that servers still exist. If we pay for them, they are operated by someone else. Despite the fact that we have the ability to be truly "serverless" with the browser, very few people use it. So let's take a look at what's actually possible with modern APIs in the browser these days.
Kubernetes for in-house operations
Software vendors need to decide for a suitable target platform, if they want to offer their product as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in the Cloud as well as for self-hosting on-premises. Today it is likely that a large portion of on-premises customers are already running Kubernetes clusters. In this article, we’ll take a look at how SaaS providers can benefit from an open source Kubernetes distribution maintained by AWS.
The 7 tenets of serverless data
As the industry moves towards DevOps, full-stack, and Serverless, there is a responsibility for the application team to do everything. Every data service will now start to claim serverless. Let’s explore the seven tenets of serverless data and hopefully provide some guidance about data in a serverless architecture.
ECS Anywhere: Fast way to hybrid operations
Established software vendors increasingly want to offer their product portfolio as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. However, parallel development for on-premises and cloud deployments poses challenges. This article shows how vendors can standardize environments using container platforms in order to reduce costs for delivery and operations of SaaS in hybrid scenarios.